Tuesday, October 13

excellent quote

"The repetition of small efforts will accomplish more than the occasional use of great talents." - Charles H. Spurgeon

Thursday, December 20

Free the tree!

We have been working to liberate our tree from its box. The other day one of us said, "We need to free the tree!" Tonight, we finally managed to do so. The only place to put it is in a corner of our living room.

Tuesday, July 17

E-card spam

I know this post will get me labeled as a nerd or geek in some places, but I have to point this out for my friends and relatives. Of course, this spam isn't really new, but new to me. It was common a few years ago [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/2367967.stm], but now has re-emerged.

If you get an email saying "e-card from a friend", "e-card from a colleague", etc; don't open it, but mark it as spam and delete it. (Some email providers delete an email automatically when you mark it as spam.) It is likely a virus called the storm worm or Peacomm trojan. Gotta see to believe? Search "e-card spam". The two articles below are from earlier this month. [http://www.informationweek.com/software/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=200001991] [http://www.darkreading.com/document.asp?doc_id=128280&WT.svl=cmpnews1_1]

Now, if you receive an e-card that is from someone you know - it has his/her name in the email's title. For example, you get an email with the subject "John Brown sent you an e-card" You should contact John to make sure he sent you an e-card. If he did, then it's probably safe to open. Note that a real e-card will not try to download a .exe file to your computer. A real e-card will open in your Internet explorer or other web browser window.

Bottom line: be very careful what emails you open.

Thursday, June 21

car found

Our "new" car is a 1990 Honda Accord. Brownish beige in color. It has about 165,000 miles on it.

Saturday, June 16


Well, we're back in the U.S. Arrived safely in FL around 6:30 am. We now have to find a car, sort the things we stored, and find somewhere to live. Job details are a little up in the air just now. We may stay here in FL or move to TX depending on the precise job description I receive in the company I'm working for, USA Unloading

Tuesday, June 12

Hapkido update

I have earned my level 1 black belt.

Thursday, May 3

Long time no type... err blog

It's been quite a while since I posted anything personal. So, I'll mention a few things.

For spring break, we started organizing to move back to the US. I also played some games on my computer, learned a couple of new things about working with Windows OS, and even got some extra sleep a couple of nights.