Friday, October 6

First blog

I am setting up a blog in order to help my friends and family who keep asking me questions about this sort of thing.


traveling rick said...

looks like a good start.

Joanna said...

Niiice: very descriptive first post.

Delaura said...

Some people just can't help showing off their......nerdness :D

T²AM said...

it's Joanna's fault I started blogging. ;-)

Delaura said...

Yeah, she was the nerd that I was talking about :D

Joanna said...

This is not fair...we all know Matt is the nerd here (I don't spell my name in some funny backwards way)

traveling rick said...

Matt sounds like your co-workers like to give you a hard time. Your fother in law thanks you are okay though and will stick up for you.